She'll Be Fine Just Get Her a Crisp Diet Coke Sticker

She's a little high strung today? Grab a crisp Diet Coke and watch her relax! With a humorous message on each can, She'll Be Fine Just Get Her a Crisp Diet Coke is the perfect solution for calming her nerves. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a refreshing drink with a funny twist. No woman is immune to this magic elixir! Cheers!

Your laptop. Your water bottle. Your car. If they don't stand for something, they'll fall for anything. Or is that people? Hm...

This die cut sticker measures approximately 3 x 3" and features a durable vinyl with a laminate that protects your stickers from scratching, rain and sunlight.

Please note:  Accessories not included.  But they look really cute, don't they?



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