College + University page details


Intentional art, creativity, and leadership workshops for college audiences.


Natalie Keller Pariano is the lettering artist, writer and sprinkler of positivity confetti of NatterDoodle. She has been described as the Kimmy Schmidt of paper – colorful, quirky, socially conscious and fun!

With more than 10 years of experience as an award-winning student affairs educator, Natalie’s experience in college curriculum development, leadership facilitation and program design, coupled with her talent for modern calligraphy and illustration uniquely qualify her to offer high-impact, experiential art and personal development programs for your campus.

Her thoughtful, researched and authentic approach – coupled with her sense of humor and knack for fun make Natalie a dynamic voice for salient learning and development. An experienced facilitator, Natalie has trained with Gallup, LeaderShape, ACUI, ACPA and NASPA, and holds the title of LeaderShape Lead Facilitator.

NatterDoodle boasts a full portfolio of programs specifically created for the college market including:

  • Art Parties (skill-building make and take programs with all supplies included)
  • Intro to Hand Lettering (deep dive into the trending art form of hand lettering)
  • Pen Parties (coloring parties with accompanying guided conversation about joy)
  • Experiential Leadership Programs (favorite topics include: finding joy in times of uncertainty, team building, effective communication, self-assessment and evaluation, servant leadership, and emotional intelligence)
  • Custom Design (senior graduation pieces, coloring pages, alumni gifts, etc.)

Natalie and NatterDoodle are proudly represented by Degy Entertainment for the college market.

Colleges and universities wishing to inquire about programs and events can learn more about Natalie’s offerings here and can contact Jeef Hyman of Degy Entertainment for bookings.

For freelance design work and product development for university bookstores, marketing materials and more, contact Natalie directly.

For all other inquiries, contact NatterDoodle.